Remote analysis of the rural settlements without population in the Tver region

Remote analysis of the rural settlements without population in the Tver region


  • Илья Николаевич Румянцев Tver State University
  • Александра Андреевна Смирнова Tver State University


rural depopulation, rural settlements “without population”, abandoned villages, remote methods, Tver region


The article presents the results of the remote analysis of the rural settlements "without population" in the Tver region using the Google Earth and Yandex.Maps cartographic Internet resources. It is shown that such places are at the different stages of degradation. Depending on the presence of houses, buildings and roads on the space snapshots, four types of the settlements “without population” were identified – seasonally inhabited, abandoned, disappeared and empty places. The municipal districts of the Tver region differ in the structure of the settlements "without population". Comparison of the field and remote data for Olenino district showed the effectiveness of the approach that is used

Author Biographies

Илья Николаевич Румянцев, Tver State University

РУМЯНЦЕВ Илья Николаевич – студент 4 курса направления «География» Тверского государственного университета, e-mail:

Александра Андреевна Смирнова, Tver State University

СМИРНОВА Александра Андреевна – к.г.н., ст. преподаватель кафедры социально-экономической географии и территориального планирования Тверского государственного университета, e-mail:


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How to Cite

Румянцев ИН, Смирнова АА. Remote analysis of the rural settlements without population in the Tver region. Вестник ТвГУ. Сер. география и геоэкология [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];(4):73-81. Available from: