Analysis of regional differentiation in placing of objects of education and public health services in the city (on the example of Tver)

Analysis of regional differentiation in placing of objects of education and public health services in the city (on the example of Tver)


  • Илья Владимирович Виноградов Tver State University


a service trade, objects of education and public health services, a specific diversity, non-uniformity of placing


On an example of Tver, with use of GIS-TECHNOLOGIES, regional distinctions in placing of objects of two branches of a service trade are studied. Analysis in the cut of 120 conditional squares with the party of 1 km is conducted . For each square the quantity of objects of formation and public health services and a specific diversity of objects of each branch is defined. Essential non-uniformity of placing is revealed. It is established, that objects of education are placed in a city much in regular more intervals, than objects of public health services

Author Biography

Илья Владимирович Виноградов, Tver State University

ВИНОГРАДОВ Илья Владимирович – студент магистратуры факультета географии и геоэкологии ТвГУ, e-mail:


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How to Cite

Виноградов ИВ. Analysis of regional differentiation in placing of objects of education and public health services in the city (on the example of Tver). Вестник ТвГУ. Сер. география и геоэкология [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];(1 (11):83-90. Available from: