The centers of service in districts of Tver region (on materials of territorial planning scheme)

The centers of service in districts of Tver region (on materials of territorial planning scheme)


  • Денис Андреевич Брезгунов Tver State University


territorial planning, the scheme of territorial planning, group of companies «TITAN», system of resettlement, inhabited locality, the center of service, service zone, administrative centre, sectional center, independent center, center of primary service


The work is devoted to assessing the quality of completed schemes of territorial planning districts of the Tver region. The questions of resettlement and social infrastructure, in particular placement the centers of service. The schemes analyzed 28 districts of the region, the development of which involved a group of companies «Titan» (Tver). Summary maps on the centers and service areas are made up on the basis of the scheme of territorial planning. The analysis of the placement the centers of service, conclusions and a number of criticisms and suggestions in relation to the service center system

Author Biography

Денис Андреевич Брезгунов, Tver State University

БРЕЗГУНОВ Денис Андреевич – студент 2 курса магистратуры, кафедра социально-экономической географии ТвГУ. Научный руководитель: д.г.н., профессор А.А. Ткаченко, e-mail:


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How to Cite

Брезгунов ДА. The centers of service in districts of Tver region (on materials of territorial planning scheme). Вестник ТвГУ. Сер. география и геоэкология [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];(3):30-7. Available from: