Transformation and scenarios for the development of the settlement of Syria

Transformation and scenarios for the development of the settlement of Syria


  • Мохаммад Исса Альсулейман Тверской государственный университет


geographic regions, planning regions, settlement, axes and strips of settlement, support centers, population geography, settlement structure, Syria


The work is devoted to the comparison of geographical regions, planning regions and zones (territories) with different conditions of settlement of Syria. During the war years (since 2011), there have been dramatic changes in the structure of the national and regional settlement of Syria: the main axis and the zone of settlement instead of the Central became Coastal (Mediterranean). The options for further development of resettlement can be different: the restoration of the pre-war structure in the return migration of the population or the continuation of the concentration of the population in the cities of the coastal zone. The problem of restoring border areas of settlement is a problem. Territories affected by military operations require the development of special reconstruction projects. Very contrasting settlement conditions, an equal ratio of highly urbanized and rural areas, require the organization of a dense network of support centers for peripheral rural settlement. In Syria, service agencies work only in urban settlements (cities and towns). The geography of the rural population in Syria has not been developed yet, all attention is focused on the largest cities. The author tries to initiate research into the rural settlement of Syria and develop them in combination with the traditional geography of cities. In designing settlement has always used the fundamental status of the population geography. This, in view of the challenges of rebuilding Syria's resettlement, reinforces the relevance and practical significance of geographical research.

Author Biography

Мохаммад Исса Альсулейман, Тверской государственный университет

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How to Cite

Альсулейман МИ. Transformation and scenarios for the development of the settlement of Syria. Вестник ТвГУ. Сер. география и геоэкология [Internet]. 2018 Apr. 27 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];(1):88-100. Available from: