The modern dynamics of the Russian tourist industry

The modern dynamics of the Russian tourist industry


  • Светлана Ивановна Яковлева Tver State University


tourism industry, the Russian tourism industry, risk factors, the crisis


The analysis of modern trends in the flow of Russian tourists to foreign countries and foreign tourists arriving in Russia. Displaying ambiguous impact of force majeure economic and geopolitical factors on the pace and direction of the dynamics of tourist flows. The modern dynamics the charts illustrated with integrated statistical tables, allowing you to remove digital material from an analytical text and enable the reader to analyze the dynamics of the graphic and see the digital data. Analytical findings are placed under the schedules. General trends - in 2014 - a decrease in the number of foreign tourists and a Russian tourists traveling abroad with simultaneous recovery of domestic tourism growth. For Russia the guest flow is characterized by sustained high level of territorial concentration: more than 40% of the guests staying in collective accommodation facilities of the country, stayed with overnight in 6 regions of Russia. This is Moscow, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg., Moscow Region, Republic of Tatarstan and the Sverdlovsk region. Attention is drawn to the features and shortcomings of Russian statistics of domestic tourism in the Russian regions

Author Biography

Светлана Ивановна Яковлева, Tver State University

ЯКОВЛЕВА Светлана Ивановна – д.э.н., профессор кафедры туризма и природопользования ТвГУ, e-mail:


Раздел «Статистика» сайта Федерального Агентства по туризму Министерства культуры РФ. URL:

Сравнительные таблицы показателей въезда иностранных туристов в Российскую Федерацию в 2009–2015 гг. URL:

Сравнительные таблицы показателей выезда российских туристов за рубеж в 2009-2015 гг. URL:

Сводные статистические данные за 6 лет (с 2009 по 2014 годы) по субъектам Российской Федерации. URL:



How to Cite

Яковлева СИ. The modern dynamics of the Russian tourist industry. Вестник ТвГУ. Сер. география и геоэкология [Internet]. 2019 Feb. 28 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];(1):88-92. Available from:

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