Training and education chekists personnel of the Tver province in the period of the new economic policy

Training and education chekists personnel of the Tver province in the period of the new economic policy


  • V. Suvorov M.


Tver province, the organs of state security, security officers (chekists), the Communist party, training, education.


The article is devoted to the creation and improvement of the system of training and education chekists personnel of the state security of the Tver province in the 1920s., the forms and methods of training and education, and the role of Tver of the party organization of communist party to work with the staff of the Tver security agencies. The author comes to the conclusion that in the province were created a comprehensive system of training and education of the Tver security officers, which has been tested in practice and at its core was preserved in all subsequent years.





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