«Di Rusn!»: the Western Belorussian Jewry Meets the Red Arvy, 1939–1940

«Di Rusn!»: the Western Belorussian Jewry Meets the Red Arvy, 1939–1940


  • V. Karpenkina Ya.


Jews, Western Belarus, the Red Army.


The article addresses the Jewish perception of the Red Army arrival to the Western Belorussia. The author proves the reasons of joy of the Jewish population in the region when they met the Soviet army. In addition, the article provides the characteristic of the soviet soldiers` propagandistic and agitation activity in autumn 1939, as well as the fact of their cohabitation with the local population in the communal apartments. The author concludes - the arrival of the Red Army caused a feeling of joy of majority of the Jewish population in the region, but after a while the Red Army soldiers discredited they self by their behavior (a strong desire to buy most of goods and their habit of drunkenness) in the eyes of the local population and did not implement their propagandistic and agitation functions.





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