Military Ideology in the Everyday Life of Soldiers oh the Kwantung Ermy During Soviet–Japanese War 1945

Military Ideology in the Everyday Life of Soldiers oh the Kwantung Ermy During Soviet–Japanese War 1945


  • Tarasov S.V.


Japan, Manchuria, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, daily, militarism, the Kwantung Army, Soviet-Japanese War, ideology, ethnic psychology.


The article is devoted to the influence of the Japanese militarist ideology in the daily military Kwantung Army during the Soviet-Japanese War in 1945. Demonstrated in what forms, and it penetrated into the military life, how it affects their daily thoughts and feelings, as well as some ancient traditions and peculiarities of the Japanese national mentality was the basis for this process. The main documents, which are based, on indoctrination and how it differed in active units and teams of suicide bombers, and, accordingly, what differences exist in their everyday life. At the conclusion discussed what effect on the consciousness of the Japanese military had directly Soviet-Japanese conflict, and the difference in perception between the empire surrender to subordinate imperial decree and decided to continue the resistance in spite of it.





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