Department oh History of KGPI in Days of the Great Patriotic War

Department oh History of KGPI in Days of the Great Patriotic War


  • V. Vinnik A.


Kalinin, institute, Great Patriotic War, education, pedagogics, evacuation, scientific activity


Work of department of history of the Kalinin state teacher training college in days of the Great Patriotic War is analyzed. Problems of the organization of evacuation of institute in connection with approach to Kalinin of military operations, existence of institute in the conditions of occupation are considered. Data on the fate of the staff of faculty who have appeared in occupation are provided. Questions of resumption of work of department of history in 1942 and its further activity until the end of war are studied. The personnel structure of faculty, questions of the organization of educational process, scientific activity and also educational work are considered. On the basis of materials of a research the conclusion about a tendency to the organization of normal work of faculty during the entire period of war except the period of occupation of Kalinin is drawn.





К 100-летию исторического образования в Тверской области