The Ust’-Keza barrow group in the researches of the archaeological expedition of the Kalinin State University

The Ust’-Keza barrow group in the researches of the archaeological expedition of the Kalinin State University


  • V. Stepanova Yu.


barrow, barrow group, burial, rite, excavation, Old Rus’, Upper Volga.


The article is prepared on materials of excavation of the burial mounds Ust'-Keza (Truhenik 2), received by the archaeological expedition of the Kalinin State University in 1974 under the leadership of Yu.N. Urban and F.Kh. Arslanova. Burials on cremation and ingumation with the burial custom have been investigated. According to the author, the burial rite is characterized by the small-sized temporal rings, chiming pendants, specific forms of ceramics at absence of the bracelet-sized temporal rings with the tied ends and single finds the beads with golden foil. The author notes that the chronology of burials custom is defined by the 11th century. The author concludes that the archaeological materials reflect a cultural situation in the East of the Upper Volga basin in the 11th century which is characterized by the maintaining the Baltic-Finnish ethnic and cultural features.





Археология. Этнография. Историческая география