Photo Documents as a Primary Source of the Holocaust on the Territory of the USSRr (Definition of the Problem)

Photo Documents as a Primary Source of the Holocaust on the Territory of the USSRr (Definition of the Problem)


  • A. Altman I.


Holocaust, Great Patriotic War, photograph, primary source.


The article analyzes informational potential of the photo documents of the history of the Holocaust on the occupied territory of the USSR, defines the problems of its search, attribution and interpretation, characterize the role of the photographs in the studying the history of the Holocaust on the occupied territory of the USSR and the Great Patriotic War. Several Russian, American, European and Israel scholars discussed some source studies aspects of the photo documents, but in general, the issue remains poorly investigated. Meanwhile, the use of this source allows not only clarify some information of the verbal sources, but also to create new research tasks and to find solutions contributing a better understanding of the history of the Second World War as a whole.





Историография. Источниковедение. Методы исторического исследования