Classification of stages of development of the neighbour’s right: debatable questions

Classification of stages of development of the neighbour’s right: debatable questions


  • Alexey Pavlovich, ANISIMOV


neighbour's right, private law, public restrictions, conflict, real estate, land plots.


In article the main stages of development of the neighbour's right are considered, classification is carried out them. Features of development of the neighbour's right at each stage of its development come to light. The attention that at the present moment courts actively apply the norms of various branch accessory governing the neighbour's relations that demands acceptance of changes in the Civil code of the Russian Federation is paid. Thus the existing edition of this bill will be able to answer only part of the problems which are objectively existing in the sphere of the neighbour's relations which roughly develops in connection with emergence of new technological and environmental challenges of the XXI century.





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