On the issue of international assessment of the safety of nanotechnologies

On the issue of international assessment of the safety of nanotechnologies


  • Tatyana KUVIRCHENKOVA Tver State University
  • Sergey ZHDANOV Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov


nanotechnology, international safety assessment, nanoindustry, technological structure, nanotechnology standardization, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Organization for Standardization, International Risk Management Center, nanosafety


Somewhere from the beginning of the 2000s, nanotechnology has been developing very rapidly. It is no coincidence that the current time is usually called the era of nanotechnology or the fourth industrial revolution. But new technologies, which in the future, and even now, are of great practical importance for humanity, can be considered as potentially dangerous for living organisms and nature. The relevance of the study lies in the lack of an integrated approach to assessing the safety of nanotechnologies. The goal of the work is to develop specific proposals, organizational and legal in nature, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the international assessment of nanosafety. The subject of the study was international standards, domestic legislation, the activities of some international organizations that assess the safety of new technologies, and scientific works of a number of authors. The article analyzes the mechanisms currently available to ensure the international assessment of the safety of nanotechnologies. The research methodology involves the use of both general scientific and specific scientific methods of cognition. In conclusion, the author made some organizational and legal recommendations to improve the efficiency of nanosafety

Author Biographies

Tatyana KUVIRCHENKOVA, Tver State University

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Customs Law

Sergey ZHDANOV, Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines





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