On the problem of preventing repeat convicted crimes to forced work

On the problem of preventing repeat convicted crimes to forced work


  • Marine RADCHENKO Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia


penal enforcement system, correctional centers, forced labor, repeated crimes, convicted


The article discusses problematic issues that arise during the execution of criminal punishment in the form of forced labor. The author presents some proposals for improving the activities of correctional centers in the execution of the punishment under study. Statistical data on the increase in the number of correctional centers on the territory of the Russian Federation compared to 2017–2021 are also considered. The studied problematic aspects of the functioning of correctional centers showed that there are many gaps in their work. Therefore, during the study of this topic, the following improvements were proposed: expand the staff, taking into account the introduction of positions necessary for the full functioning of the correctional center (including such specialists as a security officer and a psychologist); when considering materials for mitigation of punishment in the form of forced labor, carefully analyze the personality of the convict, and, if possible, involve psychologists in the work who can build a psychological portrait of the convict.

Author Biography

Marine RADCHENKO , Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

senior lecturer of the department of criminal law disciplines and organization of execution of punishments, without isolating convicts from society, Pskov branch of the University, captain of internal service





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