Current state of crimes committed using information technologies

Current state of crimes committed using information technologies


  • Pavel FETISOV Moscow University named after A.S. Griboedov


Internet, cybercrime, digital technologies, information technologies, social networks, criminal risks


Тo build a forecast of the development of cybercrime for certain types of encroachments, a group of crimes committed using information and telecommunication technologies is considered. The purpose of the study is to deepen scientific knowledge about the types of crimes committed through the Internet to develop countermeasures against them. The task of the study is to establish the totality of crimes for which the Internet space is actively used. The work used formal-legal, system-structural, statistical methods of scientific knowledge. The results include deepening the theory of criminology on the crimes in question for their prevention. It is concluded that traditional methods of committing crimes are being improved through cyber technologies; types of crimes with their use will be qualitatively updated.

Author Biography

Pavel FETISOV , Moscow University named after A.S. Griboedov

graduate student in the Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Penal Law 





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