Towards the constitutional theory of state functions

Towards the constitutional theory of state functions


  • Vladimir KRUSS Tver State University


the supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, public authority functions, human and civil rights and freedoms, constitutional values


The article outlines the problem of actualization of the domestic theory and methodology of law under the sign of the general principle of supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. From the standpoint of constitutional legal understanding, the subject of the study is the institute of state functions, which are proposed to be understood as constitutional public-power powers of a wide range of persons. The category of functional authority expresses the essence of public authority in the constitutional state. In methodological terms, this approach provides the necessary objectification of state functions for a substantively weighted constitutional-legal assessment of their implementation. The essential criteria of public-power functions in the Russian legal system are substantiated and their working classification is given.

Author Biography

Vladimir KRUSS , Tver State University

the doctor of  Law, professor, Head of the Department of Theory of Law





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