Religious law and stability of foreign trade activity

Religious law and stability of foreign trade activity


  • Petr Smolensk State University; Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; International Law Institute, Smolensk


international trade; foreign trade activity; religious law; non-state regulation; stock indices.


The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of stability of foreign trade activities. The need to turn to alternative (non-state) instruments for regulating international trade is noted. The article proves that religion influences international trade through the formation of ideological guidelines, as well as through the use of religious law. Three factors of the influence of religious law on participants in foreign trade activities are identified: the expectation of retribution of a supernatural nature, public encouragement and public censure. The conclusion is made about the prospects of studying religious law in the regulation of international trade.

Author Biography

Petr, Smolensk State University; Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; International Law Institute, Smolensk

PhD in law, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Smolensk State University, Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence of the Smolensk Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process of the Smolensk Branch of the International Law Institute





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