Protection of traditional family values under the paradigm of family relationship transformation: teetering on the edge…

Protection of traditional family values under the paradigm of family relationship transformation: teetering on the edge…


  • Varvara BOGDAN Southwest State University, Kursk


traditional family values, state family policy, transformation of family legal relations, de facto marriage, principles of family law


The object of the study is the transformation of family relationships in terms of the protection of traditional family values in the context of the implementation of the Concept of State Family Policy until 2025 (hereinafter - the Concept). The subject of the study involves the norms of family law, the content of the Concept, and the provisions of some bills aimed at changing family law legislation. The purpose is to identify the conditions and factors that objectively had a negative impact on the achievement of the results of the Concept implementation. The specific objectives are to identify positive and negative directions for the implementation of the state family policy in the light of the transformation of family legal relations, to substantiate the invalidity of certain proposals to change family law legislation, and to formulate some proposals to ensure the protection of traditional family values. The main research methods were formal-legal and system-analytical methods which made it possible to establish and systematize normative and empirical materials, describe the obtained results, and formulate some proposals for the protection of traditional family values. The results of the study are aimed at forming an objective assessment of the results of the Concept in terms of the transformation of family relations. It is concluded that when developing a new Concept, the authors should take into account the obvious mistakes made by the predecessors in the creation and implementation of its provisions.   

Author Biography

Varvara BOGDAN , Southwest State University, Kursk

Doctor of Legal Sciences, associated Professor, head of Civil Law Department,





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