The concept and types of family values in dissertations and their meaning in law enforcement

The concept and types of family values in dissertations and their meaning in law enforcement


  • Olga KUZNETSOVA Perm State University; Russia Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Perm


family values, traditional family values, non-family values, dissertations on family values, constitutional family values, protection of family values


The article analyzes the main approaches to understanding the family values in dissertations in the social sciences and humanities. The family values are considered in the meanings of “the value of family and marriage”, “the values inherent in family life”, “the family values of spouses/ members of a particular family”. The dependence is shown of the family values on the kind and type of the family, as well as the correlation between family and non-family values, traditional and opposed family values. It is concluded that the lists of family values allocated in the social sciences are diverse and largely depend on the value attitudes of the researchers; and this prevents from uniform understanding of the values and effective law enforcement. It is proposed to develop an official list of family values recognized, supported and protected by the Russian state and society.

Author Biography

Olga KUZNETSOVA , Perm State University; Russia Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Perm

Doctor of Law, professor





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