Family values in the context of the problem of conflicts of interest

Family values in the context of the problem of conflicts of interest


  • Lidia TUMANOVA Tver State University


conflict of interest, family, family values, family members, status of a judge, challenges, qualities of a judge, balance of interests


Attention is drawn to the need to establish a balance between potential conflicts of interest and family values. This problematic issue deserves careful study; just a few situations are given that show that there must be a reasonable approach to understanding conflicts of interest so that it does not have a negative impact on family relationships, much less lead to the destruction of families. Family values include the ability to share one's professional experience and work together among family members, but this is practically impossible for judges and law enforcement officials. The choice can be very difficult: move to another region or choose a different field of activity. There is another side to the problem, when the judge’s priority becomes the interests of family members, and he neglects his duty. The balance of private and public interests is a general legal problem, and the need to establish a balance between the rules on conflict of interest and family values is one of the components of the general problem.

Author Biography

Lidia TUMANOVA, Tver State University

Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, the doctor of the Legal Sciences, Professor professor of the department of judiciary and Law Enforcement Affairs





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