Current trends in the development of civilist doctrine in the field of assisted reproductive technologies

Current trends in the development of civilist doctrine in the field of assisted reproductive technologies


  • Saida SHEOZHEVA Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova


private law, civil doctrine, assisted reproductive technologies, surrogacy, human reproduction


The object of the study is the development trends of assisted reproductive technologies and the need to increase the role of private law regulation of relations arising in the area under consideration. The goal is to focus attention on the processes of formation of the civil doctrine and the existence of fragmentation of theoretical studies and approaches in this area. The objectives are based on a review and analysis of scientific works on the topic of assisted reproduction. The research method is comparative; the features of the private legal segment of the regulation of assisted reproductive technologies are compared. The results are presented by the conclusion about the need to create a full-fledged concept of a federal law on the legal regulation of assisted reproductive technologies, based on modern achievements of civil science, taking into account medical research.

Author Biography

Saida SHEOZHEVA, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova

assistant of the department of civil law and process of the Institute of Law of Economics and Finance





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