Features of the functioning of the domestic penitentiary system: the organizational and legal aspect

Features of the functioning of the domestic penitentiary system: the organizational and legal aspect


  • Andrey SHCHERBAKOV Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Pskov


penal enforcement system, correctional centers, employees, convicts


The article is devoted to the issues of organizational and legal development and modernization of the domestic penitentiary system. Based on general scientific methods of cognition (dialectical-materialistic theory of cognition; generalization, comparison), as well as complex and systematic approaches, a special method: normative and logical, allowed the author to attempt to generate departmental indicators, normative legal acts in the most significant areas of activity of the penal system. One of the key vectors in the activities of the penitentiary department is the dynamic development of correctional centers in all regions of the Russian Federation. In the context of the studied problem, the article draws attention to the modernization of correctional institutions on the example of the studied experience of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Novgorod region. The author analyzes individual problems that arise during the reform of the penal enforcement system and suggests solutions to improve the activities of bodies and institutions the penitentiary department.

Author Biography

Andrey SHCHERBAKOV, Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Pskov

PhD in Law, associate professor, head of the department of organization of the regime of the Pskov branch





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