Some issues of legal protection of rights and freedoms a human being in the context of the development of nanobiotechnology

Some issues of legal protection of rights and freedoms a human being in the context of the development of nanobiotechnology


  • T., Cherevko Kuvyrchenkova


nanotechnologies, nanobiotechnologies, protection of human rights, biological safety, potential threats of nanobiotechnologies, nanobiosafety, control over nanobiotechnologies


The research was conducted what legal protection methods of human rights and freedoms exist in the context of the Nanobiotechnologies development. The results of the research show that the Russian Federation has not adopted a federal law fixing the mechanism of human rights and freedoms legal protection in Nanobiotechnologies implementation. It was also found that there is no effective mechanism of state control over the Nanobiotechnologies development and implementation. Some provisions in this area are included in a number of federal laws, by-laws and development programs. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to improve legislation, as well as to create an effective mechanism for monitoring the implementation of Nanobiotechnologies.





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