Subject and limits of proof in criminal case

Subject and limits of proof in criminal case


  • I. Makeeva


circumstance in proof, limits of proof, criminal process, sufficiency, procuring evidence, principle fact.


It is known, the main condition for crimes investigation by the bodies of preliminary investigation and the court is the correct proof subject determination in each individual criminal case. In general, we can conclude that the subject of proof is one of the initial provisions of the law of evidence. Correct definition of the subject of proof and the limits of proof ensures a complete and comprehensive study of all the circumstances of the case. Therefore, it is so important to be able to identify the boundaries in which collection and assessment of evidence is carried out: this helps to streamline the process of collecting and evaluating evidence in a sufficient volume. The article examines the structure and content of the subject of proof, and also explores various approaches to understanding the subject and limits of proof.





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