Conceptual aspects of constructing a financial model of direct management of an apartment house

Conceptual aspects of constructing a financial model of direct management of an apartment house


  • A. Sukharev


apartment building, direct management, house advice, financial mechanism.


The article considers the conceptual aspects of the organization of the financial mechanism for direct management of an apartment building as an alternative model of collective management without creating a legal enti-ty. The advantages and disadvantages of such an apartment building management system are shown. The article was prepared based on the results of the author's speech at the International scientific and practical conference «Socio-economic trajectory of Russia's development: the categorical imperative of being in time and space", Tver, Tver state University, October 31-November 1, 2019. The study was performed with fi-nancial support RFBR, research project No. 18-010-00090 "Study of the economic and financial aspects of managing companies in the housing sector and elaboration of proposals on improving their financial stability».





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