Responsibility of a deputy through the prism of the legal nature of a deputy mandate

Responsibility of a deputy through the prism of the legal nature of a deputy mandate


  • A. Gutorova


imperative mandate, free mandate, delegate, electorate, responsibility of the delegate, Institute of people's representation, deputy activity.


The interaction of the delegate with voters is largely determined by the legal nature of the delegate’s mandate. The delegate is responsible to voters by a mandatory mandate and is bound in his activities by their orders and reports to them. In the conditions of a free mandate, the delegate feels himself worthy, independent, responsible and competent representative, who received a loan of national trust for the term of office and has the right to act not only autonomously during this time, but even against the will of some social groups. In the conditions of a free mandate, the institutions inherent in the imperative mandate (mandate, report, review) are replaced by alternative ones - statements of candidates during the election campaign, their election programs and political convictions of delegates, voluntary resignation. Thus, “free” representation works more efficiently than “imperative” popular representation.





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