Internal inconsistency of the concept of "tolerance" in united nations documents: constitutional and legal analysis

Internal inconsistency of the concept of "tolerance" in united nations documents: constitutional and legal analysis


  • D., Sechenova Kirillov


United Nation, tolerance, patience, UN resolution, UN Charter, contradiction, immanent features, human rights, human relations.


The article shows the relationship between the concept of "tolerance" in UN documents and the provisions of the Russian Constitution on the priority of universal human rights over rights arising from the group affiliation of people. Notably, UN documents in Russian contain no unified approach to the translation of "tolerance", which impedes the interpretation of the Russian Constitution; therefore, UN documents in English were used to analyze the concept of "tolerance". However, a clear internal contradiction can be observed in these documents as well; this might indicate signs of unacceptable lightness of the UN position in relation to the idea of "tolerance" and its advancement. Recommendations are provided to remedy the situation.





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