Separate issues of providing legal assistance in protecting the public interest

Separate issues of providing legal assistance in protecting the public interest


  • V. Andrianov


public interest, legal aid, justice, protection of civil rights and legitimate interests, collective and group interests.


The relevance of the study is due to the activation at the international level of activities related to the protection of collective and group interests, as evidenced by a number of adopted international acts. This circumstance necessitates the introduction of appropriate mechanisms into the national legal system. The article attempts to draw attention to the specifics of providing legal assistance in protecting public interest, based on foreign experience. Taking into account the analysis of scientific literature, the author concludes that at the doctrinal level, two approaches to understanding the legal category of «public interest law” have been formed: broad and narrow. It also points to the need to resolve a number of practical issues: to determine the entities authorized to provide it, including the forms of confirmation of their powers, as well as persons entitled to receive it and to settle the peculiarities of incurring legal costs.





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