The field of public procurement as a ground for corruption offenses

The field of public procurement as a ground for corruption offenses


  • T., Klyuchnikova Tkachuk


corruption, crimes in the sphere of public procurement, corruption crimes, contract system.


The article is devoted to such a pressing problem for all countries of the world as corruption in public procurement. It is noted that the contract system in the field of procurement is characterized by a high level of defeat by various corruption manifestations. Based on an analysis of the results of a survey of law enforcement officials whose professional activities are related to the identification, disclosure and investigation of procurement crimes to meet state needs, the most common corruption schemes used by unscrupulous participants in the public procurement system are identified and considered, as well as measures taken by the state to their suppression. The authors analyze the measures to prevent corruption in public procurement. The article indicates the need to tighten liability for committing corruption crimes in the field of public procurement.





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