To the question about the specifics of legal status of participants of housing relations – commercial and non-profit corporations

To the question about the specifics of legal status of participants of housing relations – commercial and non-profit corporations


  • E., Markova Kryukova


management of apartment buildings, participants of housing relations, non-profit corporations, commercial organizations, homeowners associations, housing (housing and construction) cooperatives, housing savings cooperatives, management organizations.


The article reveals the goals of the activity, the peculiarities of the legal status of the participants of housing relations - commercial and non-commercial corporations, their similarities and differences, the requirements for these subjects. At the same time, attention is drawn to the inconsistency of the legislator in establishing requirements for commercial and non-profit organizations operating in the management of apartment buildings, as well as for certain types of such non-profit corporations. The direction of improvement of the legislation on the considered questions is offered. The materials of the article can be used in scientific and educational work.





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