Retrospective analysis of domestic criminal legislation about official negligence, comparative study of existing criminal legal norms of negligence in Russia and foreign countries

Retrospective analysis of domestic criminal legislation about official negligence, comparative study of existing criminal legal norms of negligence in Russia and foreign countries


  • Julia Sergeevna, RUBTSOVA


inquiry, foreign countries, domestic legislation, the preliminary investigation, retrospective analysis, comparative study, criminal liability, negligence.


The article is devoted to the topical today issues related to liability for official negligence in the inquiry. The object of the research in the article is the official negligence of inquiry officers at the preliminary investigation as a criminal-legal phenomenon. The subject of research in the article are the trends in the development of the domestic criminal law of official negligence in the manufacture of preliminary investigation in the inquiry form in different historical periods, the criteria of their effectiveness, as well as the legal structure for the legal nature of official negligence in the criminal law of foreign countries. The main conclusion of the article is the author's proposal on the allocation of the stages of development of criminal legal norms for official negligence in the manufacture of preliminary investigation in Russia. The author analyzes the criminal law of foreign countries for dereliction of duty, considered the positive experience of their implementation.





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