Criteria for the conversion of municipalities in the light of modern local self-government reform

Criteria for the conversion of municipalities in the light of modern local self-government reform


  • Dmitry, ARTEMYEV


municipal education, the conversion of municipalities, law, population, criteria for conversion, the access of citizens to local self-government, the reduction of municipalities.


The article discusses the transformation of municipalities as part of the Institute of territorial organization of local self-government. Based on the analysis of the legislation it is proposed to establish criteria for the conversion of municipalities that is not fixed by the legislator. Selecting the criteria for the conversion of municipalities it is detected common features with the criteria for creating municipalities. Discusses the tendency towards consolidation of municipalities in the Russian Federation. The author offers their own versions of the conversion criteria related to economic feasibility and availability of power to the population. It is noted that in light of the new downward trend in the number of municipalities through their consolidation difficult access for citizens to exercise local self-government. Stand out criteria related to the efficiency of the administrative apparatus and its ability to address local issues.





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