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Rules for sending materials to the editor


Accepted for publication:

scientific articles of candidates and doctors of science up to 0.75 p.l. (from 20,000 to 30,000 characters with spaces);

scientific articles of graduate students and applicants up to 0.4 p.l.;

scientific reports, reviews, reviews up to 0.2 p.l.

Materials are sent by e-mail to the editorial board of the journal at: law.vestnik@tversu.ru or delivered personally by the author to the address: 170021, Tver, st. 2nd Griboedova, 22, room. 219.


General requirements for the content and design of a scientific article


Submitted manuscripts must correspond to the subject of the journal, be original, not previously published in other print or electronic publications.

The text of the article should be typed in a Word text editor, Times New Roman font, font size - 14, line spacing - 1.5, paragraph indentation - 0.8 cm, margins at the top, bottom - 1.5 cm, left - 2 cm, on the right - 1.5 cm, continuous page numbering, starting from the first.

In the text of the article, references are given to all literary sources indicated in the list of references. References are made in square brackets according to the source number with the obligatory indication of the page number on which the theoretical position or quote used by the author of the article is located.

Example: [2, p. 168].

Multiple sources in the same link, if they don't have specific page numbers, are separated by a comma.

Example: [1, 8, 10].

At the end of the article, a list of used literature is indicated.

The following information should be provided at the beginning of the article.

Indices (UDC, LBC, DOI, GRNTI) are located in the upper left corner of the article.

In the title of the article, abbreviations, abbreviations, formulas, Greek/Chinese letters, etc. are undesirable. alphabets.

In the list of authors (under the title of the article) all authors are listed in one line separated by commas in the format “I.O. Surname".

Organization. Only the full official name of the organization in the nominative case is indicated (without divisions and positions of the author) and the city.

Annotation. When writing an abstract of an article, one should adhere to the structure of the article itself, including the introduction, purpose and objectives, methods, results obtained, conclusions (4–5 sentences, up to 10 lines). The word "Abstract" is not written.

Keywords/phrases are listed separated by commas, the size of one phrase should not exceed 200 characters.


When forming a list of cited literature, proceed from the reliability of information about the source. Self-citation more than once in a publication is not recommended.

The reference bibliographic list is compiled in alphabetical order, located after the article, should contain only sources directly cited in the article. The description of the sources is complete, indicating the publisher, the number of pages for monographs and other books, the pages “from” and “to” for articles.

Each literary source is indicated as a separate paragraph (it is impossible to combine several under one number), the size of one paragraph should not exceed 500 characters.

The numbering of the bibliography is automatic.

About authors. Information about all authors is indicated in the following order: last name, first name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, position; place of work or study (department and university in full) indicating the postal address and index; email address to contact the author; authors' personal identifiers.

Follow the listing order: the surname is indicated first - this is important for the correct determination of the surname of foreign authors, then the name and other information.

Next, the author's personal identifiers (SPIN code, ORCID, etc.) are listed, followed by e-mail separated by commas.

Example: ORCID: 136168, SPIN code: 8011-2425, e-mail: 123@mail.ru

The publication of an article is possible in co-authorship of no more than 2 people, a student cannot be a co-author. With the participation of a co-author who does not have a PhD or Doctor of Law degree, the possibility of publication is determined by the status of the co-author in the law enforcement field.

The editorial board of the scientific journal Vestnik TVGU. Series: Law" pursues a policy of increasing the impact factor of the journal among other scientific publications in the RSCI. When submitting articles for publication, it is welcome that they contain links to articles that correspond to the research topic and previously published in our journal.

Archive of articles published in the scientific journal Vestnik TVGU. Series: Law" is posted on the website of the Faculty of Law: http://law.tversu.ru/ in the section "Bulletin: Issued Issues": https://journal.tversu.ru/index.php/law/index

Manuscripts drawn up in violation of the rules provided for authors will not be considered. Submission to the editors of previously published articles is not allowed.

Together with the manuscript of the article, the author sends a signed scan of the check report in the Antiplagiarism system. The minimum percentage of original text must be at least 75%.

Thank you for understanding!

Rules for reviewing materials sent to the editors


1. The manuscript received by the editorial office is assigned a registration number, about which the editorial office informs the authors by e-mail.

2. The editorial board does not assume obligations on terms.

3. Upon receipt of the article from the author, the editors send it for review to the reviewer, who gives a conclusion on the possibility of publishing the article.

4. Based on the review, the editorial board accepts the text for publication, or informs the author about the refusal to publish.

Only if there is a license agreement with the signature of the author or a scanned copy of the agreement with the signature, your article will be published in the Bulletin of TVGU. Series: Law (Appendix 2)

Articles of graduate students, applicants are accepted in the presence of a review of the supervisor, which does not exclude subsequent external review. There is no fee for publishing manuscripts.


Full-text online versions of issues of the scientific journal “Herald of Tver State University. Series: Law " can be found in the free access in the elibrary: https://www.elibrary.ru/contents.asp?titleid=27630, on the journal's website: https://journal.tversu.ru/index.php/law/index and on Faculty of Law website: http://law.tversu.ru
