«Like Teacher, like Pupils»: Ecclesiastical School Teachers

«Like Teacher, like Pupils»: Ecclesiastical School Teachers


  • A. Begovatov D.


ecclesiastical schools, religious educational establishments, Tver ecclesiastical seminary, Tver diocese, orthodox clergy


A case study of Tver diocese deals with the professional and moral qualities of Russian ecclesiastical school teachers in the first half of 19th century as well as with their conditions of work. The object of the article is to define the teaching stuff's potential for meeting the challenge of professional training and upbringing of church ministers; and also to reveal the key problems of this work. The review is carried out on the basis of the documents of management and record keeping of the Tver ecclesiastical consistory, statistic sources, memoirs, publicism as well as religious press of mainly Tver and Yaroslavl dioceses. According to the research ecclesiastical schools couldn't provide a background for the mass recruiting of the highly-educated staff keen on efficiency of their work; destructive examples of the teacher's disgraceful behaviour laid the false moral and ethic foundation for the students.





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